Generally women are embarrassed by the dark, coarse hair on the unwanted body parts like skin, upper lips, chins, etc. Most of the methods they utilize to get rid of these hair are plucking., waxing, cream, depilatories and many other things which lead to stubbly growth. All these methods are not fruitful as after these treatments, hair appears again which are darker and coarser. Therefore, the new laser technology is widely accepted due to its safe and effective results.
Most of the people argue that the cost of laser treatment is very high but soon one can realize that this method is cost effective and convenient. This laser hair reduction method, as the name suggests, helps in hair reduction. The process does not guarantee complete hair removal. This is a simple procedure requiring just three steps.
1 The skin is examined and thoroughly cleansed.
2 Gel is applied to ensure smooth gliding of the laser hand piece.
3 The professional moves the cool tip of the hand piece.
The laser beam emitted from the piece affects the skin areas. The dark pigmented hair absorbs the energy of the laser. This causes disruption in their growth cycle leading to the impedance of the growth. As only the dark pigments absorb the light, only hair follicles are affected with this. The surrounding skin area is left as it is.
Laser will help you forget all methods of hair removal or reduction
The unwanted body hair is always embarrassing for women and men. They tend to hide them through various means. Most of the time, you must have observed some jokes on Television and movies associated with this unwanted growth.
The advent of laser hair reduction has made individual forget the earlier painful methods. This is a fast, painless and permanent solution. There is virtually no pain, no use of any harsh chemicals, no use of odorous substances. The best part is there are no side effects of this method unlike others like skin irritation, stubble, razor burn, etc.
Among the different types of the lasers used in the clinics, the best laser centers use Light Sheet Diode.
Who are the candidates having unwanted body hair-
Unwanted body hair can be on different body parts and due to different reasons.
Facial hair- these can be due to hormonal imbalances, some medications, genetic. These can be on upper lip, chin or lower cheeks.
Back and Shoulders- laser easily remove hair on these areas so that you can enjoy beach vacations very well.
Chest- earlier smooth chest was just required by athletes and bodybuilders. However, now every individual of any age love to flaunt his bare chest irrespective of profession.
Legs- with laser hair reduction, you can bid bye to the monthly process of waxing, bleaching or plucking. Get silky smooth hair and be beautiful and confident.
Laser therapy is an amazingly evolved process providing the ultimate solutions for tattoo removal, wrinkle reduction, acne and pimple removal along with hair removal.
Laser Bella offers Hair Reduction, wrinkle reduction, Photo Facial, Tattoo Removal and so much more. For more info call us at 520-495-4059.
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