Saturday, 13 October 2012

Why Should You Use Natural Skin Care Products? Its Benefits From an User's Point of View

Most of the people do not realize that with common skincare products which include toxic chemicals can simply ruin their skin and health. So unless you use some natural skincare products like manuka honey or Propolis, you cannot expect a proper safety with some artificial chemical based products. So right from the soaps, lotions, shampoos, skin care creams and even the shaving items, every chemical based product has their own repercussions. These harmful chemicals come with several health issues. As you follow the health warning about eating like watch what you eat, as it can certainly affect your body chemistry, in the same way, you are supposed to work for your skin, nails, hair and other body parts while applying relevant creams over your body.

You would be surprised by the amount of toxins which can enter in your body via our skin especially from daily, cumulative, daily exposure to different toxic ingredients seen over the modern beauty products including cosmetics, lotions and shampoo. These chemicals can simply cause some hormonal imbalance, headaches, fatigue, digestive upsets, aching joints, flu kind of symptoms, several other symptoms pertaining to toxic overload. The experts describe the toxic chemical seen over the common skincare products like parabens, phthalates, and propylene glycol and simply suggest them altogether.

All these chemicals used in different conventional products are linked straight to cancer and other complications seen at the body parts like kidney, brain and liver and can even hamper your central nervous system. Considering the number of fatal outcome, the European Union has banned more than thousand ingredients since 2003 for making different cosmetic products. These ingredients were seen citing out as a real cause for serious medical conditions like cancer, genetic mutations, reproductive harm or birth defects. You can also see United States banning a couple of ingredients used to make skin care and cosmetic products. Now you can see strict regulations against them.

Gradually the awareness pertaining to the harmful effects of these chemical based cosmetic and skin care products is increasing among the people. Hence people are now seen getting attracted toward the natural skin care products like whitening toothpaste. Apart from the lethal effects of chemical ingredients used in these products, you have other reasons to use these products. These include low cost, environment friendly nature, reliability and better long lasting effects over your skin. All these benefits are more than enough for you to choose natural skin care products rather than relying on chemical based ones which have nothing but lethal effects.

I am the owner of a beauty products company. For more info log on to:
Comvita Australia
10 Edmondstone Street
South Brisbane
Queensland 4101

Phone 1800 466 392
Fax 07 3853 5305

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Trading Name: Comvita Australia Pty Ltd
ABN: 29 088 909 648

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